February 11, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Bring your sweetie out to the vineyard on Saturday, February 11th for live music, food, romance packages and a fun Joy of Love game. Prize for the winner of the game is a gift certificate for a 2 night stay in one of our lodging suites. ($330 value).
Jacob Vaughan of Reidsville will be strumming up some romantic country tunes in the tasting room from 2:00 to 5:00. Jacob is gaining wide notoriety across Rockingham County and beyond for his great love songs and sense of humor. Visit his site here: https://www.facebook.com/JacobVaughanMusic/
Salsarita’s will be serving up tacos, nachos and great queso! This food truck is definitely a crowd favorite, if you haven’t had their tasty eats before, you are missing out. Check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/SalsaritasTruckGSO/?ref=page_internal
We will also have a special romance package deal on a bottle of our First Kiss Sparkling Rose, Cheese and Crackers, and Chocolate Truffles. Check out our wines here:https://magictable.app/gioia/our-wines/ . Of course we will also be serving up both standard and specialized beers including Red Oak Amber & Hummingbird as well as Foothills’ Jade IPA, and Wickedweed Brewing’s Pernicous IPA.
We hope you are able to celebrate the Joy of YOUR Love with us during this special event. We do still have cabin availability if you want to make it an overnight event! https://magictable.app/gioia/stay/
Happy Valentine’s Day! Scatter Joy!
Laura & David